Monday, July 1, 2013

What are words?

Every time you talk and open your mouth, you are making a choice: Do you use your power of speech to heal, or do you use your words to hurt? It is said that the power of the words we speak can be sharper and deadlier than a knife. A knife can only damage you physically, whereas the words in your speech can damage a person emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It can create more permanent damage internally and leave a wound of suffering.
A knife can only cut or kill the body, whereas a powerful speech can cut or even kill, the spirit of any person. Such is the power of curse. Yet words can also be the best form of healing and inspiration to the soul. Through inspiring words, we can achieve the impossible. People inspired by words are motivated to make changes within themselves. No mountain is too high, no sea is too wide that we cannot climb or swim. Nothing is impossible with an inspired person. Inspirational words are food for the soul. This is what we can truly live by. Every person wants to be inspired by words. We need recognition, praise, and gratitude. "I love you". "Thank you". "I care for you". "Please". "I appreciate you". These are some of the most powerful words in the human vocabulary.  There is a cliché that says "Talk is cheap". But it really isn't because every time we open our mouth, there is incredible worth attached to what we say. It depends entirely on how we value our words and opinion. So the next time you have to open your mouth and use words... think twice... the reason why the creator give us only one mouth and yet a set of ears, eyes and arms, is so we can or should always hear twice on both sides before we speak... look twice before we speak... work twice before we speak. If you have nothing good to say to anyone, then it's best to just shut up. Only open your mouth if you have something good to say that can inspire or correct someone to be a better person. People so easily 'give their opinions' even without being asked. That is why is said to come so cheap. However, if a person only gives an opinion when it's solicited, his opinion becomes of value to the recipient. Talk is valuable, make good use of it. If you want to be a good talker... be a good listener first.. Some people can talk the talk but not walk the walk.. Telling a person that they can talk the talk but not walk the walk can have a few different meanings, but they all come back to the same principle: actions speak louder than words. This words stems from the challenge "if you talk the talk, you've got to walk the walk." An example would be a person talking of principles. You can talk all you want about principles, but you have to actually live by them, too. If you tell a person they can talk the talk but not walk the walk, it can mean the person is a hypocrite, thus not practicing what they preach. But it can also mean they are procrastinating!!! They're talking about doing things but not actually doing them. They're all talk, no action... What Are Words??? Do you practice what your preach? Do you walk your talk? Is your actions speak louder than your words? For me well done is better than well said & to get rid all the "what if" & "waiting" . 👍

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