Sunday, August 16, 2015

Why Am Disappeared?

Time flies so fast.. Now it's been over a year that I quit my previous job. There were lots of questions have been asked from people who around me, especially my beloved girlfriend. 

She was asking me, "Why did I leave my job since I said that my future will be bright if I worked there?" and she kept asking me, "What will I do after I quit my job?" I told her once before I quit my job that I wanna run my own biz... But when she asked me, "What are you doing nowadays?" I told her that I just sleep and eat. And she kept asking me again and again but I gave the same answer instead of telling her the truth. Well, it was a joke to tell her that I just sleep and eat without doing anything. So I tried to hide her what I was actually doing. It wasn’t nice to lie her like that. The thing was that I wanted surprise her when I'm successful. So I tried to hide her what I was actually doing.

Unfortunately, I ran my own businesses and it failed. I completely felt so down since I lost everything. I couldn’t tell my beloved girlfriend what actually happened to me.  I didn’t want to see her worry coz I know that I was sick and also busy.

I was so down and locked myself for a week… I felt like I’m drowning and floating in the air... and sometimes I also felt like floating on the sea without direction.

However, during my difficult situation… I was always thinking about my beloved girlfriend who always motivates and encourages me, and especially the promised that I will marry her next year (2016). The promised to marry her next year is motivated me to stand-up fighting for the success again. So I decided to disappear for a few months to recover the lost and make thing better.

Now, here I am… I’m coming back. And I wanna tell her everything.


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