Thursday, July 17, 2014

Why did I leave my job?

The topic today is "Why I left my job."

No one knows how hard I worked for my company… 
And no matter how HARD I work, I’m sure that I CANNOT be RICH. Why I wanna be RICH? Well, everyone got a dream… my girlfriend and I also got a dream. 

So I wanna be rich coz I wanna marry my girlfriend with a BIG Wedding Ceremony coz it’s also her dream… and I also want to buy a condo after we marry (she didn’t like big house coz she’s lazy to clean.. But guess what, the word LAZY is not in her dictionary, she said) lmao.. Well to sum up, it simply means that I want to give her the happiness… And my happiness is to be successful and marry her as my ONLY wife.

Therefore, this was the reason why I left my job.

Friday, April 18, 2014

♡♡ Happy Birthday Huni ♡♡ 18 April 2014 ♡♡

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Dear God, Please Bless My Wife!!!

Dear God, please hear my prayer
Please heal my wife, Nyny. 
She has dengue fever and low platelet count. 
Please kindly stay by her side and guide her until she recovered completely. 
I have faith in you. Amen

Sunday, February 2, 2014

♡♡♡♡♡ I miss you so much, H♡ni ♡♡♡♡♡

O somlanh, bong nirk o nas.. !_!

Thursday, January 30, 2014


Dear My beloved hni... we were 3192.12 miles away, and now we are maybe 612.88 miles away. But huni, u r always be the first thing in my mind. Mr. Doubt is doubted where u r hiding at, y suddenly u disappeared. Dun u know how much m worry abt u? Dun u know how much I miss you? Dun u know how much I luv u? u r not only my gf, but my wife. I do miss u lots, chhmar kamab ro bors b !_!
Dear God please kindly brings my wife back coz I cant live without her. 

Hni, please come back to me...

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